Welcome to our in-kind donations page! Your support through in-kind contributions can make a tangible difference in the lives of low and moderate income families in the San Gabriel Valley.
By providing essential goods and services, you directly contribute to our mission of empowering communities and creating lasting change. We deeply appreciate your generosity.
Why Consider In-Kind Donations?
Meeting Basic Needs: In-kind donations help us fulfill the basic needs of individuals and families who may lack access to essential items. From clothing and personal hygiene products to household goods and school supplies, your contributions provide vital support that improves quality of life and fosters stability.
Empowering Families: In-kind donations empower families by equipping them with the resources they need to thrive. By providing educational materials, job training tools, or technology devices, you help individuals develop new skills and seize economic opportunities. Your support plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Environmental Impact: In-kind donations promote sustainability and reduce waste. By donating gently used items or eco-friendly products, you contribute to a greener future. Together, we can reduce our ecological footprint and create a more sustainable community for generations to come.
What Can You Donate?
We welcome a variety of in-kind donations that directly benefit low and moderate income families and Rio Hondo Community Development Corporation. Here are some examples:
Community Spaces
Local businesses or organizations may offer meeting rooms or event spaces for workshops, seminars, or new programs.
Professional Services
Pro bono services from lawyers, accountants, graphic designers, or web developers where specialized expertise is needed
Technology Support
Donated IT services, software licenses, or technical support can improve digital infrastructure streamline operations, and increase outreach.
Educational Resources
Donations of books, educational materials, or software can support educational initiatives and community programs.
Marketing and PR
Volunteers skilled in marketing, public relations, or social media can help raise awareness about our programs and events.
Event Services
Donations of catering, event planning, or photography/videography services help organize successful fundraising events.
Maintenance and Repair Services
Contractors, plumbers, electricians, or gardeners offering their services help with facility maintenance, renovations, or landscaping projects.
What solution are you intersted in?
At Rio Hondo CDC we believe every community deserves to be safe, healthy, and powerful. Whether you're a community member or a supporter, we invite you to join us in our mission to make a positive difference.